Barry Biesanz In the News

- 2020 Masters of Contemporary Wood Art, Vol 3 editor: Wood Symphony Gallery, Illustrated 196 pp ISBN: 978-1-7361150-0-8
- 2006 “Biesanz Turns Out Masterpieces in Escazú” The Tico Times, 18 August 2006
- 2005 “Barry Biesanz He Found Woodturner’s Heaven” Woodturning Design Spring 2005
- 2004 “To Buy” Latin Finance, July 2004
- 2004 Beneath The Bark: Twenty-Five Years of Woodturning. Christensen, Kip & Nish, Dale. <BR>The catalogue of an exhibition at the Brigham Young Museum of Art, Provo, Utah.
- 2002 “Artisan’s Work Prized By Many” The Leader Post, May 31, pg 53 2002
- 2002 “Costa Rica for Wood Art” Edmonton Journal, May 25, 2002
- 2002 “Plant Tree, Save Culture” Harbour City Star, June 5, 2002
- 2001 “Wood, From Start to Finish, Stars in Tour” Tico Times, December 14, 2001
- 1997 “Crafts with the Scent of Wood” Costa Rica Today, Jan 23, 1997
- 1995 “Un Encuentro Feliz” American Woodturner Sept 1995
- 1995 Excerpt from “Bowled Over by Costa Rica” The Dallas Morning News, August 13, 1995
- 1994 “Arbolitos a su Alcance”, La Nación, Rincón Verde, Viva pg 2 by Vanessa Bravo, October 19, 1994
- 1993 “Barry Biesanz master woodworker” American Airlines Guide Magazine, 1993
- 1993 “Biesanz, A Master Craftsman in Wood” Costa Rica Today April 29, 1993
- 1993 “Taipei International Exhibition of Traditional Arts and Crafts: Selected Overseas Exhibits” Book images January 16 – 29th pp 96
- 1992 “Magia de Madera” La Nacion shopping section, September 15-22, pg 8
- 1992 “Noted Woodworker Backs Need to Conserve Forests” Tico Times Special Supplement January 1992
- 1991 Queen Sofia of Spain buys Biesanz Art, Tico Scene, Tico Times, April 26, 1991
- 1991 “The Noble Woods of Costa Rica – God Creates Them, Biesanz Works Them” Join Us – Costa Rica Awaits You Magazine, page 54
- 1990 “Featuring the Work of Barry Biesanz” International Woodworking, Cover article, Winter edition Vol. VI, No. 1
- 1989 “Northwest Highlights” WestArt, April 14, 1989 Exhibition with famous woodturners Moulthrop and Ellsworth
- 1987 “Shopper’s World, Costa Rican Wood” New York Times, August 23, page 10012 1997
- 1987 “Shopping for Costa Rican Handicrafts” International Herald Tribune, August 28, 1987 18 August 2006
- 1984 “Barry Biesanz” Tico Times, June 1, 1984