Barry Biesanz - Tico Times - June 1, 1984

Tico Times June 1, 1984
By M.E. Esquivel
… Thin, delicate, graceful wooden bowls done to a turn on the lathe; tiny turned canisters, chairs, coffee tables, traditional cedar chests, even jewelry – all in fine, kiln dried wood – are on display at the Cultural Plaza starting today and ending June 10. They are products of versatile designer-craftsman BARRY BIESANZ and are a part of his third exhibition here. All pieces to be shown (10 a.m. to 6 p.m. closed Mondays) are for sale. Although BARRY has sold pieces through stores from New York to California, most of his sales are still local, but that may change soon. This show, he explains, is a warm up for the trade fair in Atlanta, Ga., starting July 13. He will be Costa Rica’s only wood turner represented in the Caribbean Basin Initiative-based show there, promoted by such institutions as AID and Banex…