We’re located in Escazu, a suburb of San Jose, Costa Rica.
Are you coming to visit us? Call us first, and we can help you find your way. Tel: (506) 2289-4337. Phone numbers in Costa Rica have eight digits; the country code (506) is not necessary when calling in the country.
Directions to our showroom using google maps.
Here are some ideas for combining your visit with other Escazu attractions for a half day or full day outing.
Printable Map – click here for an 8 x 10″ version. Note that south is on top.
Telephone: (506) 2289-4337
Email: woodworks@biesanz.com
View Biesanz Woodworks in a larger google map
Hours: Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Directions in Spanish for a taxi driver: “Estamos en Bello Horizonte de Escazú. Estamos 800 metros sur de la Escuela Bello Horizonte, casa colonial mano izquierda pintada amarilla y azul con techo de teja.”
Directions in English: We are in Bello Horizonte de Escazú, a suburb 15 minutes southwest of San Jose, the capital.
1) Take the main road (Route 105) in San Rafael de Escazu going south for one mile from Freeway 27. (You will pass with Perifericos Supermarket; also RostiPollos, Scotia Bank, on the left and Atlantis Plaza on the right.)

2) The intersection you are looking for has two six story cream colored condominiums (Riverside Condominiums). Turn left here. This is Route 105, also known as Transversal 120.
3) In one block, continue straight and a little right (follow the dogleg) on Calle 120 /Calle San Miguel. Go one more block, and turn left on Avenida 30.

4) Continue ½ mile on Avenida 30, passing Residencia Rio Agres, and Condominio Barú. You will reach a “T” intersection of Avenida 24 and Calle 110, where the Bello Horizonte church is. Turn right on to Calle 110 / Calle Pedrero.

5) Our business is 800 yards down Calle 110 / Calle Pedrero, on the left hand side. We are in an old fashioned Costa Rican adobe house, painted yellow with a blue below, and old fashioned clay tile roof. Tel: 2289-4337.